
Posts Tagged ‘Cluster Fig Curry’

Rumbda Pathhal Sukkein(Cluster Fig Curry With Gravy)

This vegetable is known by various names in different parts of India. In Konkani, it is called rumbad, in hindi, it is known as goolar, in tamil as atthi, in marathi as umber and in sanskrit as udumbara,  etc. The bark as well as the fruit(cluster fig) of the tree(called audumar in marathi) has great medicinal values. The tree is an auspicious one for Maharahtrians and always related with the Lord Dattatraya. This vgetable can be used in many ways. Given below is a another curry(upkeri is explained elsewhere). The pollination of this vegetable is very unique and hence the seeds inside have to be removed after cutting it open, in order to avoid any wasps in it.


rumbad(cluster fig)-250 gms,

tur dal-1 cup,

coconut scrapings-1 cup,

red chillies-3,

turmeric powder-1/8 tsp,

sol-1 small pieces,

mustard seeds-1 tsp,

jeera-1 tsp,

oil-1 tsp,

salt to taste and

curry leaves.


Wash, cut into 4 pieces and de-seed the vegetablen and furthur cut into small pieces.

Cook the vegetable in 2 cups of water, till it gets soft.

Cook dal in a pressure cooker.

Grind masala with coconut, chillies and turmeric powder to a smooth paste.

Add the paste to the cooked vegetable along with sol and salt.

Cook for 5 mts on a low fire.

Add dal and boil for another minute.

Switch off the flame and season it with mustard, jeera and curry leaves.

The curry is ready.

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This vegetable is known by various names in different parts of India. In Konkani, it is called rumbad, in hindi, it is known as goolar, in tamil as atthi, in marathi as umber and in sanskrit as udumbara,  etc. The bark as well as the fruit(cluster fig) of the tree(called audumar in marathi) has great medicinal values. The tree is an auspicious one for Maharahtrians and always related with the Lord Dattatraya. This vgetable can be used in many ways. Given below is a dry curry. The pollination of this vegetable is very unique and hence the seeds inside have to be removed after cutting it open, in order to avoid any wasps in it.


rumbad-tender(cluster fig)-250gms,

chilly powder-1 tsp,

salt to taste,

mustard seeds-1tsp and



Wash and cut the vegetable in halves, remove the seeds and further cut them in small, thin pieces.

Heat oil in a pan and crackle the mustard seeds.

Bring the flame to a low, add the chilly powder and the vegetable. Add salt and 1/2 cup of water and roll well.

Cook on the low flame till it becomes soft and the water is fully evaporated.

Switch off the flame and add 1 tsp of coconut oil(optional) and mix well.

The curry is ready.

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